Friday, May 20, 2011

Beef Sukiyaki

For the Sukiyaki:
    14 oz good beef tenderloin, sliced paper thin
    1/2 block fresh tofu
    6 Shiitaki mushrooms
    1 Medium onion or 2 leeks
    4 oz fresh spinach
    beef suet (optional)
    2 packets udon noodles or 1/2 package vermicelli
For the Warishita Broth:
    6 Tbs Soy
    6 Tbs sake (rice wine)
    5 Tbs sugar
    2 cups soup broth with a bit of dashi (or substitute beef bullion)
    Dipping Sauces:
    1 raw organic egg for each person, broken and slightly beaten into small individual bowls
    1 bottle Japanese Sesame dipping sauce (also used for shabu shabu) called Shiro Neri Goma (see my recipe) poured into small individual bowls.

    1. Slice up and arrange all the Sukiyaki ingredients on a platter to put by your cook top.
    2. Cook the noodles and keep warm in an attractive bowl.
    3. Mix the Warishita Broth and heat in the microwave for 1 min.
    4. Heat the suet or a little vegetable oil in a large skillet.
    5. Fry the onion till browned, push aside.
    6. Fry the meat until barely pink, push aside.
    7. Fry the mushrooms.
    8. Add the tofu and the broth.
    9. Place each ingredient next to each other in separate attractive groups in the pan, getting broth on all bits.
    Add the spinach.
    Cover and simmer for about 5 mains till ingredients are all softened.
    Uncover and serve the meal right from the skillet at the table with the dipping sauces and the noodles.

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